We are called to serve kids in need wherever we encounter them. One way we serve little ones is through His Ministries, which serves kids in foster care by serving foster parents. If you are interested in joining us please contact us. (To give go to PayPal.)
His Ministries is:
a ministry serving the fatherless – specifically children in foster care
a “wraparound” ministry supporting foster and adoptive parents, as they minister 24/7
a ministry helping to build strong, healthy, vibrant, foster families through distributed effort – i.e. a large network of volunteers
determined to be the hands and feet of Jesus – demonstrating the gospel in everything we do
We “wraparound” foster & adoptive families by:
bringing awareness through education and passion
providing services with impact:
Prayer Teams
Closet – clothing, beds/bedding, car seats, etc.
Date nights & babysitting